Mission Statement


To become ever more fully what we are called to be, the Body of Christ. To unite our lives more and more fully in and with the love of God until we are full of love. And to live out this Good News daily in our community. To spread this Good News to all people, helping one another through our human contact to experience the Father's love as revealed in the Spirit of Jesus. To reach out in Christian service to one another. To become responsible stewards of the resources entrusted to our care for the purpose of meeting the truest needs of all those we serve. To celebrate all of this in prayer, liturgy, and sacraments, and thus transformed, to live and recreate together as children of the same Father.


to do this in the spirit of St. Francis, wth a joyful and generous love; 
to be open to the Father and to one another in faith-filled courage and expectancy; 
to be patterned on and ordered in Jesus, the Lord; 
to be guided by the spirit through prayerful discernment, and
to be responsive to the deepest urgings of our hearts.




Family 2

Family 3