“Those who sing, pray twice”

St. Clement Choir

You are invited to join us and together help create the Body of Christ through our worship. Please contact the parish office at 513-641-3176, or email office@stclementcincinnati.org.
 St. Clement Choir
At St. Clement the choir enriches the liturgies by adding musical elements rehearsed each week. These elements include harmonies and descants as well as choir anthems to compliment the themes of the readings or the liturgical season.
The choir, the accompaniment, as well as instrumentalists and cantors join the congregation, offering our music in praise to God.
Music in liturgy unites us. This experience is unlike the music we “hear” in our everyday lives. The presider, congregation and choir or cantor “make” the music. This is not a passive, listening experience. The very act of singing draws our community together. When we actively participate as that community we find ourselves renewed and inspired. 
  St. Clement Choir
Participation needs to be external so that the internal participation can be expressed and reinforced by actions, gestures, attitude, and by the acclamations, responses and singing. We come to liturgy as individuals with our hearts and voices. TOGETHER, with voices lifted, filling our worship space, we create the Body of Christ!!

The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy states that the purpose of sacred music..”is for the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful..” This includes congregational singing, instrumental music as well as choral music.

“The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater than that of any other art. The main reason for the preeminence is that, as sacred song closely bound to the text, it forms an integral part of the solemn liturgy…”